Kava Blog

  • Vosa Vakaviti w/ Stu - Week Two

  • Vosa Vakaviti w/ Stu - Week One

    Check out our first Fijian language learning session via Zoom with Stu. We covered basic pronouns, progressive pronouns, basic sentences with commonly used verbs, tense makers as well as a Q&A's.
  • Sports and Gym ReKavary

    I grew up playing rugby union and then found my passion with rugby league, the impact on your body takes its toll after years of senior grade footy...
  • The Yaqona Plant

    Welcome to our first kava blog post where we will discuss the various parts of the kava plant. 
  • Daily Farm Life

    Our second blog post is more of a journal to provide insights on the daily activities on the farm as well as offsite.