Unsure which kava is right for you? Why not try them a selection.
Package Includes six of the below choices:
- 100g Fiji x Vanuatu Kava
- 100g Kadavu Kava
- 100g PNG Isa Kava
- 100g Premium Kadavu Waka
- 100g Premium Samoan Waka
- 100g Premium Savusavu Waka
- 100g Premium Taveuni Waka
- 100g Premium Tongan Kava
- 100g Premium Tongan Waka
- 100g Premium Vanuatu Waka
- 100g Samoan Kava
- 100g Samoan White Lewena
- 100g Savusavu White Lawena
- 100g Savusavu Yaqona Matua
- 100g Savusavu Kava
- 100g Solomon Islands Kava
- 100g Solomon Islands Waka
- 100g Solomon Islands White Lewena
- 100g Taveuni Kava
- 100g Vanuatu Kava
- 100g Vanuatu White Lewena
Note: we are in the process of making packaging for some of the above 100g varieties and therefore some will be on blank packaging with varieties marked. Selection of varieties can be made at checkout with a note, please make seven or eight selections incase we are out of stock of one-two of the options.